Idle LoopPuzzlesDASH 8 Mixer puzzle • Hints

Hints for DASH 8 Mixer puzzle

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Hint 1
Each subject is an agent from a popular book, movie, or TV franchise, and can be matched with exactly one observation. You'll find matches for your information (one of the Group A/B/C sheets) on sheets from two other teams.
Hint 2
The subjects are: Agent Jay, Agent Kay, Austin Powers, one of Charlie's Angels, Emma Peel, Ethan Hunt, James Bond, Jason Bourne, John Steed, MacGyver, Maxwell Smart, and Michael Westen.
Hint 3
How can you "target" parts of the hacker's data? How many rows and columns are there? Do those values suggest possible indexing options?
Hint 4
To extract a letter from the grid, use a subject letter to select a column and the corresponding observation month to select a row. Look for information you haven't used, yet, to help with ordering the letters.
Hint 5
Subject L was observed on January 7. Subject S was observed on February 21. Subject V was observed on March 12. Use the day of the month to order the letters extracted from the grid.
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