This page shows oscilloscope measurements for the circuit I want to use to run a DC ornament from a string of AC Christmas lights.
Tom snapped this photo of me while I was taking measurements. My left hand is in my lap; I found that was more convenient than behind my back! The lights are plugged into house AC, as is the oscilloscope, so the "ground" clips for the probes are not connected. By connecting to the last bulb in the string, I was able to get small values for the measured voltages (relative to the oscilloscope's ground), enabling me to use a scale that also worked well for the waveform showing the difference between V+ and V-. |
The graphs below show measurements for the test circuit on the right,
with various zener diodes and capacitors. The 40 Ohm value is because
the ornament will have a (minimum) effective resistance of about 40 Ohms
at the target 3 volts. In all cases:
Circuit | 5 ms horiz. grid | 2.5 ms horiz. grid |
The following graphs show startup voltage measurements using a 4.3 V zener diode
and 680 uF capacitor.
Vertical scale is 2 V per gridline; horizontal scale is
10 ms per gridline.